Trading Futures….and…Trading
Time! Kind of an odd title for our first
blog post, but the underlying theme of our site is pretty much that.
But more specifically, it is
a question and not a statement.
So perhaps it should read;
“Are we Trading Futures…for our Time?”
You see we get into trading
and those of us who choose the lower time frames become enthralled in the
excitement of the price action. We
realize quickly that no one is going to hand us success. But there are a lot of successful people who
make serious money by investing or trading.
And of course we immediately
add ourselves into that pool of success…..even if we are just a beginner.
But getting back to the
excitement of the lower time frames… tends to pull us in. A price bar takes off and we immediately
become like a cat chasing a laser pointer.
Our pupils become wide….our hand lurches forward to grab the mouse.
And of course if we jump
in….it most likely is the worst time to do that. So maybe we did get in…..and the market snaps
back at us and grabs our stop. We
grumble about the evil institutions or market makers….LOL…..even though it was
us that pulled the trigger.
Now….we have to get our
money back so we become glued to the computer screen. Bar after bar goes by…..and we wait to jump
back in. Then some news comes out and
the market takes off in the opposite direction.
And here comes our cat like nature again…..with the wide eyed madness on
our faces. The hand lurches for the
mouse again.
It sure is addicting isn’t
it? And we love it…..we all get caught
up in it. We spend hours at it…..waiting
for the next trade….glued to the screen.
Sometimes we even feel like it is somewhat hypnotizing. And heck we may even stop for a minute to
yell at the kids for spending too much time in front of the video games or on Facebook. Hmmmm….?
But the point is that it can
be somewhat addicting and the very thing we desire is what we are giving
We seek the life style of
those who make a serious income and that life style always seems to be accompanied
by more time. More time to go on
vacations…..and to visit exotic places.
More time to go fishing, play golf or play with the kids. Travel the country and spend time with our
loved ones……that’s exactly what we look for from trading…..and yet…’s our
time that we give up.
Well at some point in our
trading career we usually get an epiphany or a revelation of what is happening
to us and we wake up.
For me it was rather abrupt
and folks who know me know exactly what that was. But for those of you who do not know me….let
me take a minute or two to explain.
I have had a long career in
aviation and was self employed. My
business tanked and for the last three years have had very little work. Because I was desperate for income and couldn’t
find a new job even after a couple of years looking… trading was becoming
increasingly worse….instead of better.
The added pressure was just
driving me crazy and I had a hard time focusing on my trades. Finally I just closed my account because the
winters in New England can be brutal and
heating the house had to be the priority.
I continued looking for some
menial job but nothing. And then comes
Some of the family came
over….time with the kids….a little too much to eat….and some stomach pains.
After a week the stomach
pains were starting to get me a little nervous.
And finally on May 4th I went to the emergency room. I was admitted into the hospital in the early
morning hours the next day…..and started with all sorts of tests being done.
Turns out, I had some weird
infection. It was weird because the
Dr.’s didn’t know what it was, where it came from…..or how to fix it. And a CT scan revealed that I had a couple of
abscesses on my intestines from the infection.
Long story short…..I went
into surgery. I came out of that and
within a week or two; the nurses ripped my wound open while turning me to
change the bed linens. So a second
surgery to fix that was required.
All of this time I was being
fed with an IV and given every anti-biotic known to man….or at least it seemed
that way at the time. Then a few weeks
later they were concerned that I may be leaking inside so they ordered another
CT and I had to drink an oral contrast.
Within a few hours I went into septic shock…..and a coma for 8 days.
All my organs were going
into distress….my heart beat was uncontrollable and I was building up fluid
internally….and my lungs were failing.
So life support was the order of the day.
When I finally came back…..I
was obviously weak and the drugs and the septic shock just wreaked havoc on me.
One day while the nurses
were working on me they looked up on my monitor which was over my head. In monitored care….your vital signs are
viewed not only on your monitor, they are also on the monitor at the nurses station
and if something is out of line… will show up as an alert on all of the
So the nurses were at the
foot of my bed looking at the monitor…and then each other and then they glanced
at the curtain separating me from the patient next to me.
They called his name….and
went over to his bed side. I could hear
them talking and I could see one of the nurses face as she watched. The patient went into arrest….actually I
think he choked on his food….but he had a DNR or do not resuscitate order.
So as they talked and
watched…..he died….within inches of me and my wife. Later his wife came in and some family
members also and we just sat there quietly.
After a couple of hours the
wife left….and I noticed that she was wearing that mans watch. I just choked up because I remember when my
father died….that’s what my mother did….she wore his watch for a while.
That day and many days after
that, I would lie in my bed and think about time. And mostly……what a waste of my time…..via my
career or especially with trading.
Now I said that I went into
the hospital in May, but I didn’t get out until the middle of June. And on top of that I was being fed through
the IV until mid September or the beginning of October….so I couldn’t eat or
drink anything.
I lost about 80 pounds….and
it felt like all my muscles had disappeared.
And….I had so much time laying in bed thinking about time itself. In addition to that…..thinking about how in
the world could I make a living?
At one point I got my
computer moved into the room and had it at the foot of my bed. I had my charts up…..but they were frozen in
time because I didn’t have the money for the data. So I just stared at my charts and
contemplated my methodology and my efficiency when trading.
And one phrase in particular
that kept ringing in my brain was “Time is Money”. Well we have all heard that phrase and
duuhhhh…..we get it right?
But do we really get
it? When we look at all the great
traders and investors….we have to ask the question; what time frame do they
And then for me a different
element entered the picture. I had
plenty of down time to re-read Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. This time I just really got it when it came to
trading with probabilities.
After 11 years of trading
all of a sudden, probabilities became real to me. And if that wasn’t enough… impossible
dream came to me as well.
I discovered a private fund
and I applied to be a money manager with them.
I figured if I don’t have money of my own, what could I lose by applying
to trade some one else’s money?
Well I was accepted and when
I saw their strict money management and risk control requirements it really set
me back a little. Not that it was wrong…..but
actually it was so right. The problem is
that it just didn’t fit my trading style.
So I had to trade
differently…..and change my rules that took me years to develop.
Now I plan to discuss money
management, risk management and trading with probabilities a lot in the near
future on this blog.
But let me leave you with
this for now.
I did change my trading
style and it is becoming the absolute best thing that I have ever done. And perhaps I was half way there because of
my health surprise last year.
But you see TIME is the
absolute most important and most valuable commodity that we have. We only get 24 hours per day so the supply is
very limited.
Now I wish you the very best
of health…..but what would happen if you were to get sick or something
disrupted your current life style.
Do you have your act
together….and do you have your affairs in order?
And are you making the
absolute most amount of money per hour that you invest in trading……for the
least amount of risk?
These are some of the very
important questions that we need to ask ourselves. And oh yes…..there is one more question.
Are you a Tradeoholic?
For me…..I am Dave Webber …..and I am a recovering Tradeoholic.
Well that’s what this site
is about. Yes we may trade futures…..but
we do not trade our future for our time.
We aim to maximize our free time…..and minimize our trading time by
managing our money, our risk and we trade high probability trades.
And you know what…’s
still a lot of fun. But you get a peace
about you because you know that you are doing it right….and you know that you
win. Even when we take a loss…..and we
will always take losses……but we win.
We win because we trade very
low risk……high probability trades…..with high positive expectancy profit
And if that sounds like what
you need or where you want to be in your trading…..well then maybe you should
come on back and check us out.
We will be adding a lot of
useful information in the very near future so keep coming back and watch us
And until then…..I wish you
the very best in your trading endeavors!!!!