But anyway we will be adding some new pages and postings so keep us in mind.
In the mean time I just wanted to let you know that we just added a Chat Room and you are certainly welcome to come in and join us anytime. We are a friendly bunch so don't be bashful.
You will notice on the Chat Room page that all you have to do is enter your name or nick name and hit enter......and you are in.
Here are a couple of tips:
- Once you are in the chat room, you will see a tool bar at the bottom of the chat window. There is an icon, 3rd button from the right, that looks like two pages. Click on that to pop out the window. That let's you change the size of the window to fit your screen and move the window around. This is a great feature for traders who tend to have a lot of charts and windows open at the same time!
- You can customize your chat window for size of the font, and notifications. So if you want to minimize it or hide it and be notified with an audible sound when someone enters a text, or when a certain person enters a text, you can do so.
- If you want to leave your computer for a few minutes and want to let people know that you have stepped away, there is a drop down box on the right side, just above the users tab that lets you select AWAY. That puts up a coffee cup next to your name so people know you have stepped away.
- You will notice that when ever someone posts a text, their name appears. If you want to respond to that person, or text that person and get their attention, click on their name. That will populate their name in the chat text box. AND when you hit enter it will make a special sound that will alert the person that someone has just entered something for them specifically. This is a nice feature when you are in the kitchen or staring at a chart. It also works the same if you type their name, but you have to type it as they have it in the room and the other way is just faster.
- There is a time out feature because this is a free room. If we get a lot of participants we can upgrade it but for now the room has a time out feature. If you are idle for about 30 to 40 minutes, the room will kick you out. So it wasn't us :) But just click on the enter button and you will get right back in. Most of us hit the period or decimal point key and then enter every 10 or 15 minutes to prevent the room from kicking us out. And that starts the clock over again. So I know it's a little annoying but hey, it's free.
- Explore the tool bar at the bottom of the window. There is a Gear button that has settings for you to customize your window. Also an Icon buttons if you like smiley faces and such. And oh yeah....the music icon button has a few sounds if you want to have some fun! And then all the way to the right is the log out button for when you need to leave.
Anyway please join us and have some fun. It is pretty amazing to see how many traders will join us eventually. In one of our other rooms we get folks from all over the globe. Sooner or later as folks find us, we expect this room to be the same.
Some come on in when ever you like.....and join in on the Chat Room !!
Good trading to you!